Is PayPlug down?
Current PayPlug status is UP

We checked the official PayPlug Status Page 3 min. 30 sec. ago. Learn more
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Recent PayPlug Outages and Issues

Follow the recent outages and downtime for PayPlug in the table below.

Start Time





May 21, 2024 15:17 UTC


about 21 hours

Retard de virement - 21 mai - Delay in transfer

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Start Time

May 21, 2024 15:17 UTC

Affected Components

Virements | Bank transfer


Retard de virement - 21 mai - Delay in transfer


Monitoring - FRLe virement des opérations de paiement e-commerce et magasin qui aurait dû être effectué aujourd'hui n'a pas pu être effectué dans les temps. Il devrait être effectué demain.ITI bonifici delle operazioni di pagamento e-commerce e in negozio, che avrebbero dovuto essere effettuati oggi, non sono stati eseguiti in tempo. Verranno effettuati domani.ENSettlement of EURO e-commerce and instore operations which should have been done today could not be performed in due time. it should be done tomorrow. May 21, 2024 - 17:15 CEST

May 13, 2024 13:52 UTC


13 minutes

INCIDENT PROCESSING | Perturbations plateforme de paiement / Payment platform disruptions

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Start Time

May 13, 2024 13:52 UTC

Affected Components

API de Paiement | Payment API

Demande de paiement | Payment request

Portail |Portal


INCIDENT PROCESSING | Perturbations plateforme de paiement / Payment platform disruptions


Investigating - FRNous avons identifié des difficultés sur notre plateforme affectant une partie des paiements et accès au portail.L'incident est en cours d'analyseENWe have identified ongoing difficulties on our platform which affect some payments and Portal access.An investigation is in progress May 13, 2024 - 15:47 CEST

May 10, 2024 12:22 UTC


3 days

Retard reversement 9-10 mai

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Start Time

May 10, 2024 12:22 UTC

Affected Components

Virements | Bank transfer


Retard reversement 9-10 mai


Investigating - Le reversement des opérations de paiement e-commerce et magasin est partiel.Vous auriez du recevoir aujourd’hui les reversements des journées du 8 et 9 (décalés en raison des jours fériés) et du 10 mai.Les opérations qui auraient dû être reversées le 8 mai, ont bien été reversées aujourd’hui. Les opérations qui auraient dû être reversées les 9 et 10 mai n’ont pas pu être reversées aujourd’hui. Nos équipes techniques travaillent pour assurer le reversement de ces deux journées lundi. May 10, 2024 - 14:17 CEST

March 21, 2024 10:32 UTC


20 minutes

Incident sur le traitement des paiements

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Start Time

March 21, 2024 10:32 UTC

Affected Components

API de Paiement | Payment API


Incident sur le traitement des paiements


Identified - Bonjour,Nous enregistrons actuellement un incident concernant le traitement des paiements.Celui-ci a commencé à 10h45.Le trafic est en train de revenir progressivement à la normale.-----------In italiano:Buongiorno,Stiamo attualmente registrando un incidente relativo all'elaborazione dei pagamenti.Questo è iniziato alle 10:45.Il traffico sta progressivamente tornando alla normalità. Mar 21, 2024 - 11:30 CET

March 05, 2024 17:22 UTC


2 days

Perturbations concernant le moyen de paiement Oney

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Start Time

March 05, 2024 17:22 UTC

Affected Components

API de Paiement | Payment API


Perturbations concernant le moyen de paiement Oney


Identified - Bonjour, Un incident affecte le moyen de paiement Oney depuis le jeudi 29 février. Les paiements effectués par vos clients depuis cette date sont mis en attente de confirmation et vous ne savez donc pas quelles commandes sont acceptées ou refusées.Nous pouvons tout d’abord vous rassurer sur le fait que les dossiers de financement sont bien partis chez Oney et que nous recevons le statut d’acceptation ou de refus pour chacun. L’incident est causé par une défaillance dans la mise en place d’un nouveau système de notifications jeudi 29 février. Les notifications de mise à jour de statut ne vous sont plus transmises depuis cette date.Nous allons retirer ce système demain, mercredi 6 mars, afin que vous puissiez recevoir correctement les notifications de tous les paiements postérieurs au rollback.Nous allons ensuite travailler au rattrapage manuel de chacune des notifications non reçues afin de pouvoir, autant que possible d’ici jeudi prochain :- remettre à jour le statut des paiements en provenance d’Oney ;- capturer les transactions correspondantes aux dossiers acceptés par Oney. Veuillez néanmoins noter que certaines captures ne seront pas relancées (notamment les paiements en échec).Ce système de notifications permettra de résoudre les soucis de latence et de retard de validation des dossiers de paiement que vous avez pu subir jusque là. Il sera redéployé ultérieurement une fois qu’on aura compris et corrigé ce qui n’a pas fonctionné.En attendant, nous venons d’obtenir le statut de vos dossiers en cours, n’hésitez pas à nous contacter.Nous vous prions de nous excuser pour la gêne occasionnée et vous remercions de votre compréhension. À bientôt,L’équipe Payplug.-------------------------------In Italiano:Buongiorno,Vi informiamo che dal giovedì 29 febbraio si è verificato un problema che ha influenzato il metodo di pagamento Oney. Di conseguenza, i pagamenti effettuati dai vostri clienti da quella data sono stati messi in attesa di conferma e pertanto non sapete quali ordini siano stati accettati o rifiutati.Vorremmo rassicurarvi che i dossier di finanziamento sono stati correttamente inviati a Oney e che stiamo ricevendo lo stato di accettazione o rifiuto per ciascuno di essi.Questo problema è stato causato da un errore nell'implementazione di un nuovo sistema di notifiche avvenuto proprio il 29 febbraio. Di conseguenza, non state ricevendo le notifiche di aggiornamento dello stato dei pagamenti dal quella data.Abbiamo programmato di rimuovere questo sistema domani, mercoledì 6 marzo, in modo che possiate ricevere correttamente le notifiche di tutti i pagamenti effettuati dopo il ripristino. Successivamente, lavoreremo al recupero manuale di ciascuna delle notifiche non ricevute in modo da potervi fornire, per quanto possibile entro giovedì prossimo:- lo stato aggiornato dei vostri pagamenti da Oney;- catturare le transazioni corrispondenti ai dossier accettati da Oney.Tuttavia, tenete presente che alcune acquisizioni non saranno riproposte (in particolare ai pagamenti falliti).Questo sistema di notifiche permetterà di risolvere i problemi di ritardo nella convalida dei vostri pagamenti che avete riscontrato fino ad ora. Riproporremo il sistema in futuro una volta che avremo compreso e corretto ciò che non ha funzionato.Nel frattempo, abbiamo appena ottenuto lo stato dei vostri pagamenti in corso, quindi non esitate a contattarci.Ci scusiamo per l'inconveniente e vi ringraziamo per la vostra comprensione.A presto,Il team Payplug. Mar 05, 2024 - 18:18 CET

2024-05-22 15:55:56 UTC UTC


? minutes

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2024-05-22 15:55:56 UTC UTC


? minutes

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2024-05-22 15:55:56 UTC UTC


? minutes

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2024-05-22 15:55:56 UTC UTC


? minutes

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2024-05-22 15:55:56 UTC UTC


? minutes

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StatusGator has over 1 year of PayPlug status history.

PayPlug Components and Services

View details of the current PayPlug status below.




PayPlug API de Paiement | Payment API

UP See more

PayPlug Demande de paiement | Payment request

UP See more

PayPlug Paiement en magasin

UP See more

PayPlug Portail |Portal

UP See more

PayPlug Virements | Bank transfer

UP See more

No outages or status changes in the last 24 hours

PayPlug status, last 24 hours:

4:00 PM
10:00 PM
4:00 AM
10:00 AM
4:00 PM
4:00 PM
4:00 AM
4:00 PM
  • Up: 24 hours

  • Warn: 0 minutes

  • Down: 0 minutes

  • Maintenance: 0 minutes

PayPlug Outage and Status History

We've been monitoring PayPlug outages since September 19, 2022.
Here's the history of service outages we've observed from the PayPlug Status Page:

Instant enriched data from
3,600 status pages

About Our PayPlug Status Page Integration

PayPlug is a Payments and Finance solution that StatusGator has been monitoring since September 2022. Over the past over 1 year, we have collected data on on more than 62 outages that affected PayPlug users. When PayPlug publishes downtime on their status page, they do so across 5 components using 4 different statuses: up, warn, down, and maintenance which we use to provide granular uptime metrics and notifications.

Many StatusGator users monitor PayPlug to get notified when it's down, is under maintenance, or has an outage. You can get alerts by signing up for a free StatusGator account.

If PayPlug is having system outages or experiencing other critical issues, red down notifications appear on the status page. In most cases, it means that core functions are not working properly, or there is some other serious customer-impacting event underway.

Warn notifications are used when PayPlug is undergoing a non-critical issue like minor service issues, performance degradation, non-core bugs, capacity issues, or problems affecting a small number of users.

PayPlug posts separate notifications for planned maintenance work. StatusGator will notify subscribers when PayPlug enters a pre-planned maintenance window, keeping you up to date.

Since PayPlug publishes a feed of proactive maintenance events on their status page, StatusGator will collect information about these events. Maintenance events for all your services can be viewed within StatusGator as a unified feed.

When PayPlug posts issues on their status page, we collect the main headline message and include that brief information or overview in notifications to StatusGator subscribers.

When PayPlug has outages or other service-impacting events on their status page, we pull down the detailed informational updates and include them in notifications. These messages often include the current details about how the problem is being mitigated, or when the next update will occur.

Because PayPlug has several components, each with their individual statuses, StatusGator can differentiate the status of each component in our notifications to you. This means, you can filter your status page notifications based on the services, regions, or components you utilize. This is an essential feature for complex services with many components or services spread out across many regions.

Frequently Asked Questions

Can’t find your question? Email us to arrange a time to discuss. We’d love to chat!

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